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My Projects:

Design Book
Design Book

A Published Author

Writing two self-published books with my sister, Amazon KDP houses these books and you can check them out! Intro To Business: The Stock Market is a close peek for beginners to the American Stock Market and Healthy Detox Recipes includes a variety of delicious and nutritious drinks. Check them out here! 

A Podcast Host

I created my podcast to have a safe environment to talk about my passions: STEM. In this podcast, I interview brilliant women to encourage my listeners to pursue these fields that are incredibly male-dominated and challenging.


AWS Certified

In the summer of 2021, I became AWS certified by clearing the Certified Cloud Practitioner exam. This exam is the most foundational out of many offered, and gave me an understanding of the Cloud.

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AWS Certified

In the summer of 2021, I became AWS certified by clearing the Certified Cloud Practitioner exam. This exam is the most foundational out of many offered, and gave me an understanding of the Cloud.

To Check Out My Full Profile, Check Out My LinkedIn

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